Mark Galozzi-Hibbert

Jon Lombana

M & M Head of Drums & Session Player

’I’m honoured to be a Tarian artist - The sound quality is truly outstanding and they make the most gorgeous drums! It inspires me every time I play them’

Jon started playing drums at the age of 9 inspired by the drummers of his home church in Caracas, Venezuela, where he got to play for almost a decade. From a young age he not only took drum lessons, but also studied guitar and Latin percussion, which equipped him to play various other instruments such as congas, bongos and timbales.

In 2007 Jon travelled to the UK to study at the Nexus Institute of Creative Arts, where he did a 2 year programme in Popular Music and Worship. While at Nexus, Jon also obtained his RSL Grade 8 Certificate with distinction and began to develop teaching skills.

In the UK Jon was part of a jazz band with whom he recorded two albums and he also took part in various other music projects in multiple genres from R&B/soul to gospel and rock. Apart from England, during his student years Jon also had live playing experience in the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and France.

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  • Freelance multi-instrumentalist: drums/percussion (main), acoustic guitar and backing vocals (secondary)
  • Qualified music teacher
  • Video editing (Sony Vegas Movie Studio)
  • Drum transcriptions (Guitar Pro)
  • Languages: Spanish (native), English (fluent), Portuguese (good)


  • Popular Music & Worship Certificate + Internship Programme at Nexus Institute of Creative Arts Coventry, United Kingdom (2007-2009)
  • RSL Level 3 Certificate in Music Performance (Grade 8 Distinction) Coventry, United Kingdom (2009)
  • RSL Level 4 Diploma in Music Teaching - Cape Town, South Africa (2018)


Equipment Spec....

Jon's Tarian Drum kit Breakdown

  • Maple shells
  • 12 ply toms
  • 15 ply kick drum
  • 2 up 2 down set up
  • 10 x 8 high tom, 12 x 9 mid tom, 14 x 14 floor tom, 16 x 16 floor tom and 22 x 18  kick drum
  • Chrome hardware
  • 3.2mm chrome rims
  • Veneer box inlay with natural oak sunburst fade
  • 45 degree hybrid bearing edges
  • Tung oil finish
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